Send a Case

Send Your Cases to Leixir Dental Laboratory Group for Quick, Quality Results!

Leixir Dental Laboratory Group offers high-quality dental restorations with quick turnaround times. There are three ways to send us cases: digital, analog, and through MyLabConnect. To learn more about how to send us a case, please check out the rest of the page for directions. We look forward to working with you to create beautiful, functional results for your patients.

Digital Case Submission

Please fill out the Client Preference Form for all first case submissions to a Leixir Lab. 

After connecting to a Leixir Lab by your IOS Platform type, please ensure to provide the following information on your digital Rx. 

  • Patient Information, including Name, Data of Birth, and Gender 
  • Clinical Notes and Treatment Plan 
  • Ensure to follow the proper digital workflow based on your IOS platform and treatment plan. (If you are unsure of the digital workflow or need to know what components Leixir needs to fabricate, please contact our Client experience team for assistance.)

Once connected and we receive your first case, you will receive login credentials for our case management portal system to track cases and interact with a Leixir team member! 

IOS Platforms

Call iTero technical support at (800)577-8767. Ask to connect to a Leixir Lab by providing the Lab name and Lab Code. 
  • Blue Box #18461 
  • Knight- #477 
  • Thompson- #4942 
  • Precision- #2150 
  • York- #1425 

Analog Case Submission

At Leixir Dental Laboratoy Group, we understand that some dentists may prefer to send physical impressions of their cases. We are happy to accommodate this method of case submission and are dedicated to providing the same level of service and attention to detail for traditional submissions as we do for digital submissions.

To submit a case using physical impressions, please follow these instructions:

  1. Gather all necessary patient information, including name, date of birth, and contact information.
  2. Prepare a detailed treatment plan and clinical notes.
  3. Take physical impressions of the patient’s teeth and send them, along with the patient information and treatment plan.
  4. Contact us directly at (888) 991-7255.

Call (888) 991-7255

Lab Email Addresses

Did you know?

Leixir is now an AGD PACE Course Provider! Earn Continuing Education (CE) credits with our expert-led courses. Explore our offerings today!